Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Music soothes the savage....

     The oft misquoted line, “Music hath charms that soothes the savage breast” came to mind today as I was working.  Between the seemingly never-ending barrage of thunderstorms crashing loudly overhead and an exceptionally rowdy puppy making almost as much noise as the thunder, I needed to create a more soothing environment to calm my rambunctiously savage beast.  Usually when I am writing, I create a playlist that resembles a soundtrack for the scenes I am creating.  Sadly, zombie-smashing music was not going to help my furry little monster to settle down and take a nap. 
     Like most authors, I usually endow my characters with some of my own personal traits.  For example, Emma from “Littleville Uprising” has my vast and varied appreciation of music.  My iTunes library is an eclectic blend of virtually all genres of music.  Given my situation, classical was the clear choice.  After just a few beautifully melodic movements, my little ball of energy curled up and drifted off to sleep.  Amazingly, music soothes beasts as well as “savage breasts”. 

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