Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Patience vs Perseverance

     By no stretch of the imagination would anyone consider me to be a “patient” person.   I, like most products of the Internet age, want it now.  No, I take that back, we wanted it yesterday!  We want faster Internet, increased speed limits, and instant gratification-even if we aren’t all so forthcoming as to actually admit it.  The truth is, very few people on this planet are truly patient.  However, many of us have an abundance of perseverance. 
     By definition, patience is to bear provocation, delay, set backs, annoyance, misfortune or pain, without  loss of temper, complaint, or irritation.  Perseverance, however, is to steadily endure, maintaining a course of action or purpose in spite of difficulties, obstacles or disappointment.  Both are similar concepts of endurance but with vastly different manners of accepting an undesirable circumstance. 
     I think most writers will agree with me on this…. If you want to pursue a literary career, you must posses at least one of these virtues.  What I lack in patience, I more than make up for in perseverance.  I, like most authors, have endured setbacks, challenges delays and, if not misfortunes, than at least annoyances.  These circumstances are beyond our control and despite our best planning or preparations, still come to pass.  However, it is entirely within our control as to how we choose to react to them.  Personally, I am not a quitter so I will continue to persevere, even if it isn’t patiently.  Those closest to me will agree that I lack that final stage that turns perseverance into patience-without showing signs of irritation or occasionally loss of temper. 
     I wish I could remember where I read it, but a particular gem has stuck with me, ever since I first decided to pursue publication of my works.  The article was talking about the investment of time needed to get a book published, assuming you were going the traditional route and not self-publishing.  The writer described in great deal the different “types” of slow one could encounter such as being trapped behind a slow driver on a one lane road.  The analogy ended with the comparison of publishing to glacial movement.  So true and if anyone knows who deserves credit for this nugget of truth, please let me know! To all of the writers out there who, like me, are trying to get their big break, here’s hoping our perseverance pays off. 

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